The Countdown Begins....

Tomorrow morning marks the beginning of my fifth year of full time teaching.  It's amazing how fast the time has gone by.  I officially accepted the role of Literacy Department Chair (fancy speak for I'm in charge of the Reading and Language Arts departments), Wellness Champion (fancy speak for coordinating emotional and physical health initiatives on campus) along with all of my prior roles I've taken on over the past two year of work at Boca Ciega.  I am blessed to have the same class as the last two years so there is little to do in terms of figuring out what to teach and when, just minor tweaking of prior lessons. 

Being named Wellness Champion has helped me refocus on my weight loss and get fit goals.  I've lost 32 pounds but I'd like to lose another's getting more difficult the closer I get to my goal.  Today I planned out breakfast (mini wheats and a banana), lunch (tuna and grapes), and snacks (apple and peanut butter) for the week as well as preparing some flavored water via the Soda Stream so I have my water ready to go.  Everything has been measured out and placed into ziplocs for a quick grab and go in the morning.  Now to make sure I force myself to work out (I start Level 2 of 30 Day Shred tomorrow) and run at least two miles each day. 

I'm surprisingly not nervous or anxious about tomorrow.  My planning periods were moved to the middle and end of the day so I do have to get up much earlier this year which is fine.  My clothes are laid out and I'm ready to go at five....a....m....ugh.

Back to the Grind (and ridiculous amounts of stress!)

Well, Pat is still out of town :(  He won't be back for another two weeks.  It's definitely been hard and I miss him so much.  I'm at least thankful for the fact that I have Brutus here with me, although the more I talk to him the more he thinks I'm crazy. 

Today, I went back to school.  Initially I was stoked.  My classroom was pretty much set up, I have my first week of plans done, all sorts of good things...

...and then the principal threw me a curveball.  Our Language Arts department head recently accepted a AP position at another high school so our school needs a new one...and he wants me to be it.  Normally I'd be so grateful and excited but I've definitely bit off more than I can chew.

Between the job search, looking for a home loan, then, ya know...a house, grad school, and all the responsibilities I've taken on at work - I'm going to go crazy.