Step in the Right Direction

So it's no surprise that I'm a little O.C.D. when it comes to most things in life...  The older I get the more I want to use my powers for good!  I started Dreams by Design Events back in December in the hopes that before the value of education dropped so low that my pay was based off 8 hours of my students' school year that I could have a successful small business doing something I truly enjoy.  Boy was I wrong...the lovely Rick Scott passed the bill and teaching has taken a turn for the worst in Florida.  However, Dreams has taken a step in the right direction.  A friend of the family offered up some advice while I was in New York to take up Twitter.  I did so grudgingly and found an account named BuckforaBride.  This bride was looking for ways to do her dream wedding on a small budget so I started following her account and then she followed mine...  I eventually offered my services for free and she accepted.  It was nothing big to me until she emailed me saying the Tampa Bay Times would like me to attend her interview about being a frugal bride and using social media to get help.  YAY!  I went downtown today and met with both Yolanda, the bride, and Susan, the reporter.  It was great and I can't wait to attend the wedding and see this amazing wedding alllll put together!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Kristen! You Rock. I went kicking and screaming to Twitter also. Now I have a "follow me" button on my blog.
