My bad, Batman!

So I realized I haven't posted since November of LAST YEAR!  Holy smokes, Batman.  My bad.  So much has happened since then.  I'll try to fill in the blanks the best I can.

Pat spent 6 week in the Florida Keys from Thanksgiving to just past New Year's doing a rotation for school.  B and I stayed home and roughed out the holiday season on our own.  It was miserable but we do what we have to do.  We spent Christmas between Cleveland and Melbourne.  It always takes a lot out of us.  This year we were lucky to fly to Ohio so it wasn't as bad. 

January started my ultimately successful decision to finally get healthy.  I was tired of being stupid chubby.  As of today, I've lost 26 pounds :)  Now if I could get the remaining 17 pounds to go away I'd be happy.

Pat and I made a decision in March to officially say we're moving back to Columbus.  We're really excited about our decision and can't wait to get there.  Our lease is up at the end of February so it's Columbus or Bust!  I had to ::cough cough:: drop out of St. Leo's because of our decision so I'm back at UF and have only 1 class and my portfolio to finish and then I'll have my Masters!

Brutus celebrated his 5th birthday in May (the 26th to be exact) and we celebrated our anniversary a little early because of a busy summer schedule.  We went to Hollywood Studios for the day and it was so much fun.  We hit every ride we wanted to plus waited in line for a picture with some of our favorite characters.

June 2nd Mom and Dad came down with some friends to celebrate our anniversary with a gift to the Kenny Chesney/Tim McGraw concert.  It was an amazing, yet very long concert!  It was fun to spend the weekend with rents.

School let out in June but Pat's still doing rotations.  His pysch rotation was my favorite to hear about.  His current E.R. rotation, not so much.  I can't stomach hearing about stapling people's heads back together.  Blah.  He's off to Cleveland next Friday for his LAST rotation!!!  Woo Hoo!  From there it's on to getting ready for his national test.

3 weeks ago today actually I had LANAP (laser gum surgery).  It was ridiculously expensive but it appears to be healing nicely and I go back on the 23rd to have an actual teeth cleaning. 

As for right now....I'm finishing up summer school with the kids, two classes at UF and dreading Pat leaving me for another 6 weeks.  Pat's prepping for his last rotation and B is just lounging like always.  Promise it won't be so long next time friends!

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